Fiction Friday: Swallowed By The Cracks
I’m happy to announce that Dark Arts Books is going to be publishing four short stories of mine in their new collection Swallowed by the Cracks, which will officially debut at the World Horror Convention in Austin, TX, at the end of April. The collection, which also includes stories by Lee Thomas, Gary McMahon, and Michael Marshall Smith, will be available on Amazon and at other various bookstores beginning May 1.
Three of my stories in the collection have never been published and two of them are examples of the type of fiction I predominantly wrote from 1990-2003. Supernatural horror. Alternate dimensions. Unexplained phenomenon and things that go bump in the night.
My four stories include:
“Lower Slaughter” – a story about a married couple vacationing in England who discover that time has a habit of slipping away;
“The Lord of Words” – the tale of a struggling writer who believes that outside forces are attempting to prevent him from finishing his novel;
“Dream Girls” – a social satire about a new technology that involves cloning, aliens, and the assassination of JFK;
and “Dr. Lullaby” – a cautionary comic tale about the unexpected side-effects of an over-medicated society.
These last two stories are both written in the first person and similar to the style in which I wrote Breathers, Fated, and the upcoming Lucky Bastard. So it’s a nice mix of supernatural tales and dark comedies.
In addition to my stories, you’ll find some nice dark fiction and tales of horror from the three gentlemen I mentioned above (Lee, Gary, and Michael) all of whom are most excellent wordsmiths. I’m honored to be included in the collection with them and I’m looking forward to celebrating the release of Swallowed by the Cracks next month in Austin.