S.G. Browne

First Reading and Book Signing Tour

So I’m on my way back from San Diego after 10 days of signings and readings and pimping Breathers out to about 50 different book stores and signing stock copies.  Ready for home but had an awesome time.  Here are some highlights:

March 15 – Caesar may have been told to beware the Ides of March, but my first official signing and reading at Borderlands Books in San Francisco was fortuitous.  Great crowd.  Lots of friends.  Several dozen books sold.  And Jude and Alan are the consummate hosts.

March 18 – Drove around Los Angeles signing stock copies of Breathers at local book stores.

March 19 – Met at the Coffee Bean on Sunset in L.A. with Mason Novick and Geoff LaTulippe, the co-producer and screenwriter for the film version of Breathers.  Great fun.  One of those “pinch me” moments.

March 20 – Met with my film agent, Sarah Self of the Gersh Agency, who wants me to write an original screenplay.  I now officially have homework.

March 21 – My second official signing at Dark Delicacies in Burbank, CA, with Amber Benson (previously of Buffy the Vampire) who was also signing her first solo effort,  Death’s Daughter. Admittedly, Amber’s line was just a little longer than mine, but I had a great time sharing the event and meeting her. Del and Sue were wonderful hosts and the store is fabulous.

March 22 – My third signing at Mysterious Galaxy Books in San Diego.  Shared the reading and signing with Michael Boatman (Spin City and Arli$$), who read from his new horror comedy novel The Revenant Road.  Mysterious Galaxy is a fabulous store and it was lots of fun to meet Michael.  Also received my first hug from a fan from L.A. who missed me in Burbank and drove down to San Diego to see me. Thanks Elizabeth!  You made my day.

March 24 – Hit up another dozen stores in the San Diego area to sign stock copies.  Met a lot of enthusiastic people and fans and had an all around great time.  I think I need to come back here…

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