Beach Party Chat & Fated Giveaway
What happens when your publisher lists your dark comedy and social satire about fate and destiny as a Contemporary Romance on their website? You get invited to participate in a Beach Party Chat and Giveaway for mystery and romance authors, that’s what happens.
Tonight from 8:00-11:00pm EST, dozens of mostly mystery and romance authors will be dropping in to chat all evening on Writerspace and there will be hundreds of prizes — two Kindles, autographed books, gift cards and more. You don’t have to be present to win, but you must be registered. To register, and for details on all participating authors and the prizes they’re giving away, visit
I’ll be chatting from 9:00-9:30pm EST, or from 6:00-6:30pm PST. For those of you who live in Hawaii, Arizona, or Indiana, I have no idea what time I’ll be chatting.
However, I do know that I’ll be giving away two signed copies of the UK edition of Fated, the cover of which is right over there.
So grab your sunglasses, put on your swimsuit, and head on out to the Beach Party for your chance to win a bunch of prizes. And don’t forget the sunscreen!