Lost Creatures – A Little Help
One of the things that’s challenging about self-publishing a book is getting the word out to new readers and letting people, new readers as well as current fans, know that the book exists. And while authors are able to reach some of those new readers, we’re often limited in our reach and depend on others to help get the word out.
All books, especially self-published books, thrive best with the nourishment of love from readers.
So for those of you who have read and enjoyed Lost Creatures, anything you can do to help spread the word is appreciated.
So how can you help? Well, there are all sorts of ways.
You can leave a review on Goodreads or Amazon. You can tell your friends about the book. You can tell strangers about it. You can buy copies for family members on their birthday or as a wedding present or for a briss. You can stand on a street corner and recite your favorite story or charter a plane to drop promotional leaflets over your neighborhood. You can attach copies to helium balloons and let them loose from the roof of a hotel or you can get a tattoo of the cover on your back and become a human billboard.
Whatever works for you. Anything you feel compelled to do to spread the love helps. Anything at all.
As always, thanks for reading. And thanks for the love.