S.G. Browne

Independent Bookstore Day

indiebookstoredayI’ll be celebrating Independent Bookstore Day (formerly CA Bookstore Day) this Saturday, May 2, at not one but TWO bookstores in San Francisco.

My first appearance will be at The Booksmith, where I’ll be participating in their Indie Bookstore Mad Tea Party from 12pm – 2pm with a slew of other guests. There will be tea leaf readings, art, and loads of activities. And books! Did I mention books?

After that, I’ll make my way across town to BookShop West Portal, where I’ll be doing a reading at 3pm sharp for about half an hour, then I’ll stick around until 5pm to help sell some of my favorite books by other authors. And hopefully a few of my own.

Relevant details are below. If you’re in the hood, stop on by for some laughs and maybe a book or two. Or three.

Independent Bookstore Day
Saturday, May 2

12pm – 2pm
The Booksmith
1644 Haight Street
San Francisco

3pm – 5pm
BookShop West Portal
80 West Portal Avenue
San Francisco

Filed under: Less Than Hero,Signings — S.G. Browne @ 6:55 am


  1. Catch me in SF this Saturday at @Booksmith 12-2pm and @BookShopWPortal 3-5pm for #IndependentBookstoreDay.

    Comment by s_g_browne — April 30, 2015 @ 6:57 am

  2. RT @s_g_browne: Catch me in SF this Saturday at @Booksmith 12-2pm and @BookShopWPortal 3-5pm for #IndependentBookstoreDay.

    Comment by Booksmith — April 30, 2015 @ 7:02 am

  3. Read this while I was on my FB break. Loved it! If you need a good laugh, get it. :) http://t.co/NJ6Wn5sy4j @s_g_browne

    Comment by junekramin — April 30, 2015 @ 7:13 am

  4. RT @s_g_browne: Catch me in SF this Saturday at @Booksmith 12-2pm and @BookShopWPortal 3-5pm for #IndependentBookstoreDay.

    Comment by MariaMcMichael — April 30, 2015 @ 7:24 am

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