S.G. Browne

And the Winners Are…

Congratulations to Maria Garcia, who the Random Number Generator selected as the Grand Prize winner in the Breathers Birthday Bash Giveaway.  Maria takes home signed copies of Breathers, Fated, and the Breathers UK edition (pictured here).

The RNG also selected two more winners, Arielle Jovellanos and David Sobkowiak, who each receive a signed copy of the Breathers UK edition.

Thank you to everyone who entered the contest via my web site and through my mailing list and who shared their favorite characters from my novels.  Your support and enthusiasm is appreciated.

Happy reading!

Filed under: Breathers,Contests,Fated — Tags: , — S.G. Browne @ 4:45 pm

Breathers Birthday Bash Giveaway

It’s a birthday bash for Andy, Rita, Jerry, and the rest of the gang at Undead Anonymous.  That’s right.  Two years ago tomorrow, Breathers hit the shelves in the U.S. and Canada.  To mark the occasion, I’m going to be giving away a signed copy of Breathers.

But that’s not all!

Tomorrow also marks the birth of Breathers in the United Kingdom, with a spiffy new cover. (Check it out on Amazon UK.)  So I’m including a signed copy of the UK edition, as well.  Two books for the price of none.  How can you beat that?

But wait, there’s more!

Act now and I’ll also throw in a signed copy of Fated, which has only been out for four months and is just a baby in book years, but I didn’t want Fabio, Karma, and Death to feel left out.

That’s right.  For the price of nothing, you get signed copies of all three books!

I’ll also be giving away a signed copy of the UK version of Breathers to two other lucky winners.

So three winners in all!

To enter, just leave a comment on this blog post with some way to contact you and, if you’re so inclined, include a note as to your favorite character in Breathers or Fated.  If you haven’t read the books, that’s okay.  There’s no judgment here.

And feel free to sign up for the RSS feed (at the top, right next to the navigation bar).

Contest runs until 11:59pm PST Sunday, March 6th.  Winners will be chosen from all entrants using a random number generator.  (Unfortunately, I do have to limit this to U.S. residents only, so my apologies.)

Ready?  Go!  And good luck!

Filed under: Breathers,Contests,Fated,Wild Card Wednesdays — Tags: , — S.G. Browne @ 8:31 am

The Writing Life: Ouch! When Reviews Go Bad

For the most part, it’s a bad idea to read your reviews. One, they’re just someone’s opinion and not necessarily indicative of the quality of the work, good or bad. Two, writing, like any art, is subjective. As a writer, you have to remember that and not take anything personally. And three, it’s much too easy to get caught up in what someone says, whether it’s positive or negative. But as any writer can attest, no matter how glowing the reviews, a negative review has a way of embedding itself in your DNA.

Not that I don’t read any reviews. I give a look to those from places like Kirkus and Publishers Weekly and The Washington Post in hopes of a good review that yields a nice, juicy blurb.

Those are always fun. And I’ll read reviews on blogs that have requested a review copy or for which I’ve authored a guest post. As for the reviews on Amazon and Goodreads and random blogs that show up in my Google alerts? I do my best to avoid them.

But sometimes, you can’t help it.

While checking online for local bookstore locations where I might be able to swing by and sign stock copy, I came across a reader review about Fated that gave it one star and included the following gems:

Could it be the worst book ever written?
Completely mindless.
Worst use of $$ I’ve ever spent.

Ouch. But at least they read the book to the end because they didn’t believe it could be that bad all the way through.

Aah, another satisfied customer.

And then there’s the blog that listed Breathers as one of the most disappointing books of 2010 (even though the book came out in 2009). For the most part, the blog explains in detail why Breathers failed to live up to expectations, then finishes with this:

As a result — and due to Browne’s at-best serviceable prose — Breathers fails to elicit either laughs or sympathy. It’s horrifying, but not, I suspect, in the way that Browne intended.

Can I have some salt with that knife wound?

These are just a couple of examples of the criticism that authors expose themselves to when they get something published. That doesn’t mean we have to believe it. Or take it personally, which isn’t an easy thing to do. The trick is to try to have a sense of humor about it and realize you can’t please everyone. But if you please yourself, then you’ve done your job.

And if that doesn’t help to make you feel better, you can always respond to your bad reviews like this:

Filed under: Breathers,Fated,The Writing Life — Tags: , — S.G. Browne @ 3:55 pm

Fated Foreign Editions

I thought I’d share the covers for a couple of foreign editions of Fated.

The first one is from Leya in Brazil, who published the title as Desastre (Disaster in English), since there’s no Portuguese translation for Fated:

The second cover is from Piatkus (Little, Brown) in the United Kingdom. Although this edition won’t be available until September 2011, I thought you might enjoy a sneak preview:

Filed under: Fated,Foreign Editions — Tags: — S.G. Browne @ 2:10 pm

More Questions, More Answers

Here are links to a couple of more interviews I’ve had recently as part of my Fated blog tour.

The first one is up on Reading Frenzy, where I talk about Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, why I took up writing, and my favorite character in Fated.

And you can find another one on The Inner Bean, in which I discuss my writing process, mojitos on the beach, and why I’d most likely be Sloth.

Hope you enjoy the interviews!

Filed under: Fated,Interviews,The Writing Life — Tags: — S.G. Browne @ 12:16 pm